If you are not yet able to meet with us, you may wonder how you can financially support the work of the church. The following methods are available:
By Bank Transfer.
You can transfer money directly to the church. The bank details are:
General Fund: Sort Code: 95-03-96, Account Number: 02775417
Missionary Fund: Sort Code: 95-03-96, Account Number: 02775441
Property Fund: Sort Code: 95-03-96, Account Number: 02775425
By Standing Order.
If you have internet banking you can set up a standing order and give a fixed amount on a regular basis to one or more of the accounts listed under 1. above.
Alternatively, you can phone or write to your bank and request that they set up a standing order from your bank account. It is noted that you can cancel a standing order at any point by contacting your bank.
If using either of these methods please quote your FWO number (if you have one) or your name for recording purposes.